Future Generations
Policy Roadmap

The culmination of two years of research, collaborative dialogue and consultative efforts to define a path forward for future generations policy in Australia.

A Fair Go for Future Generations

Australians are increasingly calling for change, with growing public interest and support for intergenerational equity and the consideration of future generations. 

According to a recent survey led by EveryGen:


of Australians believe
that current policies must consider the interests of future generations.


Feel that Australian politicians focus too much on short-term decisions.


Support the establishment of a commissioner for future generations.

The Challenge

Australia is at a critical juncture where the stakes for future generations have never been higher. 

With the future marked by increasing uncertainty due to escalating and compounding global challenges—such as climate change, deepening economic inequality, resource degradation and rising polarisation—every decision we make today has profound and lasting consequences.

Our Response

For the past two years, we’ve been relentlessly engaging our communities through deep dive policy workshops, intergenerational dialogues, 1-1 consultations and in depth interviews to develop what is now the Future Generations Policy Brief. This public draft is a labour of passion and dedication from a volunteer team spread all across Australia, and now, we’re inviting you to help shape the final version.

The Future Generations Policy Brief

This policy brief outlines the urgent need for a comprehensive future generations approach in Australia, which looks beyond the short-termism of the electoral cycle and considers the interests of the generations to come. 

As the culmination of research, collaborative dialogue and consultative efforts spanning the last two years, this policy brief is the product of inputs from a rich network of supporters whose insights, expertise, and commitment have been instrumental in shaping the findings of this policy brief. 

This policy brief is more than just a document—it’s a cross-partisan push for policy innovation that aims to provide a roadmap for leaders dedicated to the long-term prosperity of Australia. It offers practical, forward-thinking solutions to address the long-term challenges Australia faces, such as climate change, economic inequality, and the wellbeing of future generations.

By incorporating your feedback, we aim to ensure this brief represents the collective vision of Australians committed to securing a sustainable, equitable future.

Read the Public

Draft Here

Join the conversation on advancing intergenerational equity in Australia.

Why Your Voice Matters

Public engagement is central to ensuring that the proposals captured in this policy brief reflect the values, concerns, past lessons and hopes of Australians. By participating, you are contributing to a landmark policy initiative designed to improve long-term governance and support future generations’ wellbeing. Together, we can build a better future.

Submit Your Feedback

Your input is vital in shaping a final policy brief that reflects the needs of all Australians, both now and in the future. Please take a moment to share your thoughts, suggestions, and feedback using the form below. The consultation period will remain open until the Intergenerational Fairness Summit on 21st November.

A Note from Our Co-Chairs

‘As parliamentarians, we witness firsthand how government departments often work at odds with one another, rather than in concert.

It’s clear we need a legislated framework that ensures two things: that the long-term impacts of our decisions are accounted for; and that we are all working towards the same wellbeing goals. That is why it has been so valuable to have a comprehensive consultation process in the drafting of the Wellbeing of Future Generations policy. We would like to deeply thank everyone who has had input into its development and to Foundations for Tomorrow for facilitating the process.’
— Dr Sophie Scamps MP & Ms Bridget Archer MP


We’re on the road to creating real change for future generations:


Global mapping and research on international future generations policy initiatives, co-designing a multi stake impact strategy based on successes and challenges of our international colleagues.


Establishment of the Parliamentary Group for Future Generations and Intergenerational Fairness Coalition, and shared commitment to advancing future generations policy in Australia.


Continued work of the Parliamentary Group and Intergenerational Fairness Coalition alongside the development of the Future Generations Policy Brief by Foundations for Tomorrow. Robust consultations will take place from June - November 2024 with the final Policy Brief launching in November in alignment with the Intergenerational Fairness Summit.


Mobilising public actions for future generations throughout February 2025 to build public awareness and appetite for policy innovation in the lead-up to the Australian federal election, this will include the Private Member’s Bill to introduce a Wellbeing of Future Generations Act at the federal level to be introduced by Dr Sophie Scamps MP and seconded by Ms Bridget Archer MP.